Hi! I am Rafael!

This is my personal website!

I am Rafael Ketsetsides, a high-school student from Thessaloniki, Greece. If I had to describe myself in three words, they would have to be "ambitious, diligent, friendly". To get more in-depth with my personality, I would say that I prefer dogs to cats, fiction to nonfiction, and vim to emacs. My favorite author is Douglas Adams, for his unconventional humor, my favorite classical composer is Johann Sebastian Bach, for his mathematically structured music. I play the viola, the piano and I'm currently teaching myself how to play the saw. I deeply regret not being currently involved in any sports activities, but if I was, it would probably be tennis. I enjoy programming computers and playing and writing music because both involve creativity and require a level of practice. Specifically, I am intrigued by computer algorithms and cryptography, as well as combinatorial mathematics. In the future I would like to work in the field of computer science, either as an entrepreneur, or as a researcher.

Personal Interests

I love doing a lot of things - and usually, when I like something, I become good at it. I like spending my time in the following ways:

  • Coding (mostly in C/C++)
  • Composing/Playing Music
  • Studying Cryptography
  • Studying Computer Science and Mathematics

A Few Accomplishments

Here are the things I am most proud of: